This was the first video I did this Fall, but I’ll include it here. This cue is very misunderstood and I had been receiving some questions of what to do about it from some players and coaches. The knocker knuckles are not lined up in stance. What matters with them is at contact and it’s explained in this video. Enjoy and as always, feel free to send me questions or a comment.
Tee Work and Drills
Any post that regards swings and drills on the tee
This was the first video I did this Fall, but I’ll include it here. This cue is very misunderstood and I had been receiving some questions of what to do about it from some players and coaches. The knocker knuckles are not lined up in stance. What matters with them is at contact and it’s explained in this video. Enjoy and as always, feel free to send me questions or a comment.
This was the first video I did this Fall, but I’ll include it here. This cue is very misunderstood and I had been receiving some questions of what to do about it from some players… That knocker knuckles cue
I’ve posted a few videos on my social media pages. I haven’t really done anything like these in the past, but I have been encouraged by some of my college guys and gals to post… Basic Tee Work Videos